
void adjustColorBalance (int shadows, int midtones, int highlights, bool preserveLuminosity)


shadows The adjustments for the shadows. The array must include three values (in the range -100 to 100), which represent cyan or red, magenta or green, and yellow or blue, when the document mode is CMYK or RGB.
midtones The adjustments for the midtones. The array must include three values (in the range -100 to 100), which represent cyan or red, magenta or green, and yellow or blue, when the document mode is CMYK or RGB.
highlights The adjustments for the highlights. The array must include three values (in the range -100 to 100), which represent cyan or red, magenta or green, and yellow or blue, when the document mode is CMYK or RGB.
preserveLuminosity If true, luminosity is preserved.


Adjusts the color balance of the layer’s component channels.