

The Adobe Photoshop application object, which contains all other Adobe Photoshop objects.

This is the root of the object model, and provides access to all other objects. To access the properties and methods, you can use the pre-defined global variable app. For example: var currentDoc = app.activeDocument;


activeDocument readonly The frontmost document.
backgroundColor readonly The default background color (used to paint, fill, and stroke selections).
build readonly The build number of Adobe Photoshop application.
colorSettings readonly The name of the selected color setting’s set.
currentTool readonly Name of the current tool.
displayDialogs readonly The dialog mode for the document, which indicates whether or not Photoshop displays dialogs when the script runs.
documents readonly The collection of open documents.
fonts readonly The fonts installed on this system.
foregroundColor readonly The default foreground color (used to paint, fill, and stroke selections).
freeMemory readonly The amount of unused memory available to Photoshop.
locale readonly The language locale of the application.
macintoshFileTypes readonly A list of the image file types Photoshop can open.
measurementLog readonly The log of measurements taken.
name readonly The application name.
notifiers readonly The notifiers currently configured (in the Scripts Events Manager menu in the application).
notifiersEnabled readonly If true, notifiers are enabled.
parent readonly The object’s container.
path readonly The full path of the location of the Adobe Photoshop application.
playbackDisplayDialogs readonly The dialog mode for playback mode, which indicates whether or not Photoshop displays dialogs in playback mode.
playbackParameters readonly The playback options, which indicate the speed at which Photoshop plays actions.
preferences readonly The application preference settings (equivalent to selecting Edit > Preferences in the Adobe Photoshop application in Windows or Photoshop > Preferences in Mac OS).
preferencesFolder readonly The full path to the preferences folder.
recentFiles readonly Files in the Recent Files list.
scriptingBuildDate readonly The build date of the scripting interface.
scriptingVersion readonly The version of the Scripting interface.
systemInformation readonly System information of the host application and machine.
typename readonly The class name of the object.
version readonly The version of Adobe Photoshop application that you are running.
windowsFileTypes readonly A list of the image file extensions Photoshop can open.


batch readonly Runs the batch automation routine; analogous to using the Batch command in Photoshop.
beep readonly Alerts the user.
bringToFront readonly Makes Photoshop the active application.
changeProgressText readonly Changes the text that appears in the progress window.
charIDToTypeID readonly Converts from a four character code to a runtime ID.
doAction readonly Plays the specified action from the Actions palette.
doForcedProgress readonly Performs a task with a progress bar. Forces progress bar to display, ignoring the normal heuristics that keep it from showing unnecessarily (e.g. during very short tasks). Other progress APIs must be called periodically to update the progress bar and allow cancelling.
doProgress readonly Performs a task with a progress bar. Other progress APIs must be called periodically to update the progress bar and allow cancelling.
doProgressSegmentTask readonly Sections off a portion of the unused progress bar for execution of a subtask. Returns false on cancel. Use when iterating a list of tasks with unequal run times.
doProgressSubTask readonly Sections off a portion of the unused progress bar for execution of a subtask. Returns false on cancel. Use when iterating a simple list of tasks with equal run times.
doProgressTask readonly Sections off a portion of the unused progress bar for execution of a subtask. Returns false on cancel.
eraseCustomOptions readonly Removes the specified user objects from the Photoshop registry.
executeAction readonly Plays an ActionManager event.
executeActionGet readonly Obtains an action descriptor.
featureEnabled readonly If true, the specified feature is enabled.
getCustomOptions readonly Retrieves user objects from the Photoshop registry for the ID with value key.
isQuicktimeAvailable readonly Returns true if Quicktime is installed.
load readonly Loads a support document.
makeContactSheet readonly Creates a contact sheet from multiple files.
makePDFPresentation readonly Creates a PDF presentation file.
makePhotoGallery readonly DEPRECATED. Creates a web photo gallery.
makePhotomerge readonly DEPRECATED. Merges multiple files into one, user interaction required.
makePicturePackage readonly Creates a picture package from multiple files.
open readonly Opens the specified document file(s).
openDialog readonly Uses the Photoshop open dialog to select files.
purge readonly Purges one or more caches.
putCustomOptions readonly Save user objects in the Photoshop registry.
refresh readonly Pauses the script until the application refreshes.
refreshFonts readonly Force the font list to get refreshed.
runMenuItem readonly Run a menu item.
showColorPicker readonly Display color picker dialog. Returns false if dialog is cancelled, true otherwise.
stringIDToTypeID readonly Converts from a string ID to a runtime ID.
system readonly Perform a system call.
togglePalettes readonly Toggle palette visibility.
toolSupportsBrushes readonly Check if the specified tool supports brushes.
typeIDToCharID readonly Converts from a runtime ID to a character ID.
typeIDToStringID readonly Converts from a runtime ID to a string ID.
updateProgress readonly Updates the progress bar started by doProgress. Use for manual non-task based progress updating. Returns false on cancel.