

The global methods and properties for ExtendScript.


Infinity readonly The Infinity global property is a predefined variable with the value for infinity.
NaN readonly The NaN global property is a predefined variable with the value NaN (Not-a-Number), as specified by the IEEE-754 standard.
undefined readonly This global property is a predefined variable with the value for an undefined value.


alert readonly Displays an alert box
confirm readonly Displays an alert box with Yes and No buttons; returns true for Yes
decodeURI readonly Decodes a string created with?encodeURI().
decodeURIComponent readonly Decodes a string created with?encodeURIComponent().
encodeURI readonly Encodes a string after RFC2396.
encodeURIComponent readonly Encodes a string after RFC2396.
escape readonly Creates a URL-encoded string from aString.
eval readonly Evaluates its argument as a JavaScript script, and returns the result of evaluation.
isFinite readonly Evaluates an expression and reports whether the result is a finite number.
isNaN readonly Evaluates an expression and reports whether the result is “Not-a-Number” (NaN).
isXMLName readonly Returns true if the supplied string is a valid XML name.
localize readonly Localizes a ZString-encoded string and merges additional arguments into the string.
parseFloat readonly Extracts a floating-point number from a string.
parseInt readonly Extracts an integer from a string.
prompt readonly Displays a dialog allowing the user to enter text
setDefaultXMLNamespace readonly Defines the default XML namespace.
unescape readonly Translates URL-encoded string into a regular string, and returns that string.
uneval readonly Creates a source code representation of the supplied argument, and returns it as a string.