

The base class of all JavaScript objects.


constructor readonly Points to the constructor function that created this object.
prototype readonly Points to the prototype object for this object.
reflect readonly Retrieves and returns the Reflection object associated with this method or a property.


Object readonly Creates and returns a new object of a given type.


hasOwnProperty readonly Reports whether a given property is defined with an instance or within the prototype chain.
isPrototypeOf readonly Checks whether the given object is a prototype of this object.
propertyIsEnumerable readonly Reports whether a given property is enumerable.
toLocaleString readonly Creates and returns a string representing this object, localized for the current locale. See?toString().
toSource readonly Creates and returns a string representation of this object.
toString readonly Creates and returns a string representing this object.
unwatch readonly Removes the watch function of a property.
valueOf readonly Retrieves and returns the primitive value of this object.
watch readonly Adds a watch function to a property, which is called when the value changes.

Static Methods

isValid readonly Reports whether an object is still valid.