

Document formats that Photoshop can open.

Static Properties

ALIASPIX readonly Alias PIX format.
BMP readonly BMP format.
CAMERARAW readonly Camera RAW format.
COMPUSERVEGIF readonly CompuServe GIF format.
DICOM readonly DICOM format.
ELECTRICIMAGE readonly Electric format.
EPS readonly Generic EPS format.
EPSPICTPREVIEW readonly EPS format with embedded PICT Preview.
EPSTIFFPREVIEW readonly EPS format with embedded TIFF Preview.
FILMSTRIP readonly Filmstrip format.
JPEG readonly JPEG format.
PCX readonly PCX format.
PDF readonly Generic PDF format.
PHOTOCD readonly Photo CD format.
PHOTOSHOP readonly Photoshop format.
PHOTOSHOPDCS_1 readonly Photoshop DCS 1.0 format.
PHOTOSHOPDCS_2 readonly Photoshop DCS 2.0 format.
PHOTOSHOPEPS readonly EPS document produced by Photoshop.
PHOTOSHOPPDF readonly PDF document produced by Photoshop.
PICTFILEFORMAT readonly PICT file format.
PICTRESOURCEFORMAT readonly PICT resource format.
PIXAR readonly Pixar format.
PNG readonly PNG format.
PORTABLEBITMAP readonly Portable Bitmap format.
RAW readonly Raw format.
SCITEXCT readonly Scitex CT format.
SGIRGB readonly SGI RGB format.
SOFTIMAGE readonly SoftImage format.
TARGA readonly Targa format.
TIFF readonly TIFF format.
WAVEFRONTRLA readonly Wavefront RLA format.
WIRELESSBITMAP readonly Wireless Bitmap format (WBMP)