File naming options for the batch command.
Static Properties¶
DDMM readonly | Uses the date formatted as ddmm. |
DDMMYY readonly | Uses the date formatted as ddmmyy. |
DOCUMENTNAMELOWER readonly | Use the document name in lower case. |
DOCUMENTNAMEMIXED readonly | Use the document name in mixed case. |
DOCUMENTNAMEUPPER readonly | Use the document name in UPPER case. |
EXTENSIONLOWER readonly | Use the extension of the file in lower case. |
EXTENSIONUPPER readonly | Use the extension of the file in UPPER case. |
MMDD readonly | Uses the date formatted as mmdd. |
MMDDYY readonly | Uses the date formatted as mmddyy. |
SERIALLETTERLOWER readonly | Use letter serial number lower case (a, b, c, …) |
SERIALLETTERUPPER readonly | Use letter serial number UPPER case (A, B, C, …) |
SERIALNUMBER1 readonly | Use a 1-digit serial number. |
SERIALNUMBER2 readonly | Use a 2-digit serial number. |
SERIALNUMBER3 readonly | Use a 3-digit serial number. |
SERIALNUMBER4 readonly | Use a 4-digit serial number. |
YYDDMM readonly | Uses the date formatted as yyddmm. |
YYMMDD readonly | Uses the date formatted as yymmdd. |
YYYYMMDD readonly | Uses the date formatted as yyyymmdd. |