

File naming options for the batch command.

Static Properties

DDMM readonly Uses the date formatted as ddmm.
DDMMYY readonly Uses the date formatted as ddmmyy.
DOCUMENTNAMELOWER readonly Use the document name in lower case.
DOCUMENTNAMEMIXED readonly Use the document name in mixed case.
DOCUMENTNAMEUPPER readonly Use the document name in UPPER case.
EXTENSIONLOWER readonly Use the extension of the file in lower case.
EXTENSIONUPPER readonly Use the extension of the file in UPPER case.
MMDD readonly Uses the date formatted as mmdd.
MMDDYY readonly Uses the date formatted as mmddyy.
SERIALLETTERLOWER readonly Use letter serial number lower case (a, b, c, …)
SERIALLETTERUPPER readonly Use letter serial number UPPER case (A, B, C, …)
SERIALNUMBER1 readonly Use a 1-digit serial number.
SERIALNUMBER2 readonly Use a 2-digit serial number.
SERIALNUMBER3 readonly Use a 3-digit serial number.
SERIALNUMBER4 readonly Use a 4-digit serial number.
YYDDMM readonly Uses the date formatted as yyddmm.
YYMMDD readonly Uses the date formatted as yymmdd.
YYYYMMDD readonly Uses the date formatted as yyyymmdd.